Monday, July 20, 2015

I'm practically a Missourian now!

Hey Family and friends!

Here's to another great week in the mission!  Have I mentioned before that Heavenly Father answers prayers? No? Oh, cause He totally does. Haha, that is seriously the story of my life and every missionary's life. So if you remember one thing about my mission, remember that I know that God answers our prayers. In such a personal way that really shows how much He loves Each and every one of us.

So this week,

Sister Hansen and I had a great p-day last Monday. If you know me at all, you will know how much I really enjoyed this:

LOVE thrift stores shopping. and not gonna lie, Missouri's got some good spots! (Note the section we're shopping in. Haha it made me laugh). Also, grandma skirts are my new favorite.

Also, the Missouri summer heat has finally hit. Like wow. You walk outside and after two seconds, you are drenched. Humidity is not my favorite thing, but we're getting used to it, slowly. Haha. Last week, we had to teach two lessons outside on the hottest day of the week because we were teaching two different guys and weren't allowed to go inside. (Because there was no other woman home). Sister Hansen and I jinxed each other after the lesson and said how we could feel sweat dripping down our back. Hahaha. That trailer park neighborhood is my favorite. The people are so nice (well mostly.. Ha). I love it though. When you're teaching someone about the gospel and you see them start to get excited about the message we are sharing with them, you forget everything else. 

Wednesday we had District Meeting and Lunch. It was so fun! We went to a place called Courthouse Exchange (mom, you'll be happy to hear that I got chicken friend steak and asked whether or not they made it there or not 😉 they did. And it was yummy, we'll go one day). The restaurant is in Independence Square, which is the CUTEST downtown ever. I'm obsessed with cute little downtowns. We are going to the old fashioned soda fountain shop today ☺️ 
My district is seriously the best. 

So funny that all 4 of us from Building 28 at BYU that got called to Independence ended up serving in the VC together AND all 4 of us live in the Willis house together AND sister Helmbold and I (who were in the same ward) are in a district together and sister Hixon and Moss (who were in the other ward together) are in the other district in our zone. Hahaha still blowing my mind as you can tell haha.
Anyways, my district rocks. They are so so fun and such hard workers. I love it. 

Friday and Saturday we had exchanges, I stayed in our area with Sister Sneed. She is the cutest. I love her.
And we didn't even plan the twinning that happened ☺️ 

Sunday. My favorite day of the week. I was supposed to give a talk on Sunday, which I was super nervous for. Cause the bishop here assigns your talk on ONE verse of scripture. Which I actually really like a lot, but wow. Definitely hard as the speaker. Haha. Anyways, we walk into church and bishop walks up to me and said they've had a change in plans and asked if I could speak next Sunday. 🙌🙌❤️ definitely an answer to a prayer, because I was really just wanting to enjoy sacrament meeting and knew that'd be a lot harder with the stress of having to talk. Buttttt... Now I gotta give it next week. 
Anyways, the reason he moved me was because the youth in the stake just got back from youth conference. Which, ps, is like the dream youth conference. They drove all the way out to Palmyra, NY and went to the Sacred Grove and hit all the Church History sites on the way back. SOOO PERFECT. 
Bishop wanted them to get the opportunity to bear their testimonies. Wow. They are amazing. They are such amazing, powerful, and strong youth. It just happened to be that I brought my journal from when I went on that trip with me to church (because my talk was on Joseph Smith when he was at Carthage). I got the chance to go back and look at some of the stuff I had written. I was so close to losing it after every testimony. The spirit was so strong and it reminded me so much of the feelings I had when I got back from that trip. It changed my life. That is why I am out here on a mission. Ah, I definitely needed that sacrament meeting though. It was perfect. 

Now to the stuff you all really care about. He he. 
Ha. Or more like have fun at the elementary school play ground. Haha

Also, if you wanna make a missionary's day in your ward: have your adorable children who they adore (and low key want to steal) draw them a picture of sister missionaries 😍

(one of the) VC Miracle(s) of the week: ok, well two. But they're similar. 
This family that was moving across the country came in. They weren't members and we asked the, why they came on and we found out their truck broke down right in front of the VC. Hmmm, seem like a coincidence? We got to teach them so much and took them through a few presentations. They loved it. And I love VC miracles. 
Other one: this guy came in who has apparently been investigating churches for a couple years and told us how he always happened to run into the elders randomly but never really thought anything of it. He walked into the VC. he didn't even know what church owned the building! He was like, well, I guess this does mean something. Haha. Miracles all day, everyday here. 

One last highlight: I got to talk on the phone with one of the investigators I met in the MTC with Sister Jones. He is so awesome. He's catholic and has been investigating the church for like 2 years now. Heavenly Father has been with him every single step of the way. He is so prepared. AND he went to. Hutch yesterday!

I love you all so much. I love hearing about everyone's weeks. Thank you for all the love, support, and prayers. I think about you all constantly. 

D&C 6:36 "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not."

Have a great week everyone! Don't forget to pray and study the scriptures. They are the best cheat sheets we have to this navigating this life. 

Sister Morgan

Ps. So I said I'm practically a Missourian now... Except for the fact that I still don't know why it's called the Show Me State..  So if any of you privileged souls with Google would do me a favor and do a quick search... I'll, well, you'll get my very first email next Monday! Haha


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