Monday, June 13, 2016


I love her so much. I am so grateful I got to meet her while being out here and be with her through her journey that has just started! Sister Delange and I were watching her baptism from the dressing room and she was just so happy and all smiles. It was one of those moments that you will just never forget. ya know?

Her confirmation was beautiful yesterday. The ward is so welcoming to her, it is awesome.

We made her a cute little present for her baptism, the same present I got at my baptism.. scriptures!!

My mind is seriously so overwhelmed with everything that has happened this week, so in case you didn't catch on, this is kind of a picture email with captions. haha. We had 12 lessons that members were able to come out to (when we normally are lucky to get 5) and it was absolutely insane organized them and then being on time to everything when they were back to back, but like I said, the Lord made it all work out. He literally had an old potential investigator call us randomly one day when our appointments canceled, because we had prayed to reach our goals. We found a member 1 hour before to come with us, which is pretty much normally impossible in this area. haha. Also, we had a new investigator, Connie, come to church yesterday with her cute 14 month old daughter, Amber. She LOVED it and invited us over for their Father's Day lunch this weekend! Which is soo nice of her!!! Anyways, today is a nice relaxation from the craziness.

Back to the pictures:

We cleaned the font for Liz on Thursday (because we love her sooo much) We even found a member to bring febreze because the guys bathroom that is connected to the font always has some weird smells going on.

We had an awesome lesson with NyVea Williams this week and we were actually able to meet with her a few more times during the week. She is preparing for baptism on the 25th!

Tuesday morning we had zone training. We trained in the Lenexa zone!! I gave a training from the MLC we had with Elder Soares. He talked a lot about if we knew why we were in this mission, so that is what I trained on and importance of our attitudes. The attitude we have in this life I feel really does show the faith that we have in our Savior. If we have faith in Him and His timing, we will have the hope we need to always see the positive. or at least look for the positive. I also shared the story of a recent convert in Inde 4th ward, John Davies. I'll tell you all his story later family :) It is so incredible!

My companion is seriously the cutest!

this man is the sweetest man ever. He is in our ward and he lives in a nursing home. Just recently, we have started teaching a few of his friends in the nursing home and he is just so awesome. He can barely talk because he so old but he has the most powerful testimony. We finished out lesson with them all one afternoon this week and he just said that he would like to bear his testimony. The Spirit FILLED the room as he shared his conversion story and his testimony on the scriptures. He knows they are true and studies them constantly and you can feel it. I couldn't help but snap a picture sneakily because I want to remember his conversion that he is continually working on. I hope and pray that I do the same throughout my life.

I love you all so much! To my dad and mikey (and all the other fathers out there): Happy Father's Day!
Dad: Thank you for being such an incredible dad. for supporting me and loving me and teaching me throughout all these years to be a genuinely good person. Thank you for teaching me the importance of learning and work
Mikey: Thank you for giving me this incredible gospel that I am sharing with others. It has changed my life. Thanks for always "keeping me humble" throughout the years :)

I love you all so much! I hope you all have a great week! Make sure to tell your father how much you love him. And also, take a moment to get on your knees and tell your loving Heavenly Father how much you love Him and how grateful you are for the blessings we receive on a daily basis. I know I will be doing that! And I will be sending prayers to my other dads that I won't get to see until next year :)

Sister MorganHello!

This week has FLOWN by! I seriously feel like it has been like 2 days
but I also feel like it had been so long! We have been so busy! We
literally have not even had time for lunch some days this past week.
We saw so many miracles. I have learned so much from Sister Delange
about involving the Lord when setting goals. He provides! I know that
is the case for non missionaries as well :) He helps all of us
accomplish the things that we want to accomplish. I am so grateful for

Anyways, so yes, Saturday was incredible. Liz got baptized! and she
was confirmed yesterday. It seriously felt like a dream.

And isn't Liz the cutest?!


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