Monday, March 28, 2016

#hallelujah, an easter email.

Hello and happy belated Easter!!!

Here in lovely Missouri, it snowed Easter morning!!! So crazy!! But it armed up by the afternoon. I absolutely LOVE Easter. That was the only Easter I will get to celebrate as a missionary, but I am so grateful for the perspective it gave me on what is really important about Easter. It isn't about the colored eggs and e Easter bunny, it is about our Savior. My testimony of His resurrection has been strengthened so much this Easter season. I truly know that He died for all of us and lived again so that each and every one of us could do the same.   This truth was highlighted for me so perfectly as we taught one of our YSA investigators, Liz. She is taking the lessons with us but told us she didn't think she would ever join because she has different views than us she said. We taught her the Plan of Salvation and finished talking about Kingdoms of Glory and how every person will be comfortable in where they are after this life. We testified of God's love for all of His children and how everyone will have a chance to accept this gospel. Then,she took a pause and then simply said, "wow, that is truly beautiful. I like that."   It was just one of those moments where as a missionary, you took a moment to step back and see how amazing the things you are teaching really are to people who haven't learned them before. Complete bliss. I am so grateful for a loving Savior who made this all possible. 

After our lesson with Liz, we watched the General Women's Conference with some of the YSA sisters. It was so amazing!! I loved the emphasis on service that it had. Especially as I have been given these short 18 months to focus on just that. Service. It so amazing how even though, we all serve for others, we in turn get some of the greatest blessings. We get more charity for others. I love it. 

This Friday, we had a STL Training meeting with President and Sister Vest and the Assistants. It was one of the most special meetings I have been apart of. I feel so blessed to be apart of this association of truly incredible sisters. We discussed different ways we could help the sisters that we serve over. My sweet companion gave the best training of how we can care for them. She is the best! I love the perspective that Sister Vest has of missionaries and what this service does for their life. Seriously, this meeting was the absolute perfect lead in to the general women's meeting.   And of course, Sister Vest made us all lunch after the meeting. I love getting to hang out with all these amazing sisters!! 

On Wednesday, we had interviews with President Vest. He is the most inspired man I have met. I am truly blessed to be in this mission. Fam, I got some exciting news for you all!!! :) 
Later that night, we had a lesson with sweet Linda. She is going through a hard time right now, she is so amazing though!!! We are hoping she will still push through to be baptized mid April. 

Monday night after PDAY, we went to the YSA FHE! They had a missionary focused FHE where they did an Iron Chef Cookie Bake Off and invited all their friends to it! They also watched some of Meet the Mormons! We got to be the judges of the best cookie!!!

I LOVE this gospel. I am grateful for my deepening conversion as I help others start their conversion. I know that Jesus Christ truly is the Son of God and our Savior. He has established His church on the Earth and I am blessed to a be a part of it. 

And now, to the part that most people skip to. Haha. The pictures!

>> The bake off champions!
>> doing our studies in the kids place of the Toyota dealership while our car was in the hospital. I seriously want to know what people think of missionaries. Haha
>> STL Feast!! 
>> happy easter ft. sign from Lynds! (Ps. Thanks :)
>> Easter dinner with the Howard family. We LOVE them. They got us these cute Easter baskets too! ❤️🐰🐣

Until next week!
Sister Morgan 

Monday, March 21, 2016

time sure is flying!

Saturday, the Kansas City stake did a mini-MTC for the youth that we got to be apart of. We taught them all in Mtc style classes. We taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them. It was so fun. It made me miss taking youth groups thought the visitors center in the summer time! Also, Atong Maror got baptized on Saturday!! I was so sad, we couldn't make it to the baptism but I am so happy for her and her cute family!! #hillparklife

That's about it!!

EVERYONE!!! Make sure you check out!!! It's the best!!

I love you all so much. I love this gospel and the opportunity I have had and am having to share this beautiful gospel with others.

(A member in our Ward made this of us for the Facebook page!.. Or something like that. Ha.)

Sister MorganHello Family!

This week feels like a dream! It is absolutely insane to think that I
have had more than 9 months of experiences as a missionary. I feel
like I've just dreamed all this up. Most surreal feeling ever.

Anyways, this week, like I said, went by so fast!! So many miracles.
Each and every day. Something that I love about the mission that it
has truly shown me that Gods hand is in our lives every single day.
Not just the good days, but every single day. I hope that I keep this
perspective my whole life. God is so good.

So Tuesday, we were quarantined to our apartment because Sister Hixon
had pink eye. So the day included calling lots of potentials, all of
our investigators, rescheduling exchanges, watching Meet the Mormons,
and lots of studying. We were (hopefully) allowed to go out in our
area in the evening. We had an appt set up and turns out, he didn't
really want us there. So we just sat on his porch while he just yelled
at us pretty much. Haha. Missionary is not always glamorous everybody.
Haha, but I am so grateful for the peace that we obtain through living
the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday we had district meeting and went out to the best pizza place
ever!! Thursday we had a lesson with our investigator named Jamie. He
is so awesome! It is spiritually exhausting meeting with him because
he knows the bible so well, but it is so fun!

Friday we went on exchanges! I went to Independence with Sister
Santiago! It was so fun! We had like 10 minutes before we had an
appointment and saw that there was a Morgan St. In their area so we
stopped by to knock a few houses (and mostly to take a picture) and we
met this cute family with these adorable baby chicks! I LOVE the
members in that Ward. Also, one of the people we were trying to start
teaching in 4th Ward is getting baptized in their Ward soon! So

Monday, March 14, 2016

reverent fangirling 101

Hello family and friends!

This week has been a week on my mission that I will never ever forget
for the rest of my life. And.. I may as well jump straight to the
point and full you in on the rest of my week at the end.

Saturday morning, we had the amazing privilege to hear from an Apostle
of the Lord. Elder Stevenson, from the quorum of the 12 Apostles, and
Elder Anderson, from the Seventy, came and spoke to our mission. It
was one of the best experiences I have ever been a part of.

Reverent fangirling step #1.. Get up early and go to the church
building an hour before it starts to get good seats

Step #2.. read from the Book of Mormon during that hour to spiritually
prepare for the feast you are about to have. I was reading in 3 Nephi
11 when the Savior comes to the Nephite people. These verses kept
sticking out me.

14 Arise and come forth unto me, that ye may thrust your hands into my
side, and also that ye may feel the prints of the nails in my hands
and in my feet, that ye may know that I am the God of Israel, and the
God of the whole earth, and have been slain for the sins of the world.
15 And it came to pass that the multitude went forth, and thrust their
hands into his side, and did feel the prints of the nails in his hands
and in his feet; and this they did do, going forth one by one until
they had all gone forth, and did see with their eyes and did feel with
their hands, and did know of a surety and did bear record, that it was
he, of whom it was written by the prophets, that should come.

It was 2 minutes after the meeting was supposed to start and the
chapel was full of anxious reverent missionaries waiting to be in the
presence of an Apostle. There was suddenly a peace that went
throughout the whole room. We stood up as the happiest man walked into
the room, Elder Stevenson. He was just grinning from ear to ear. Next,
he did something that truly showed who he represented.. Our Savior,
Jesus Christ. He spoke with President Vest for a bit and then
President told us that Elder Stevenson wanted to take the time to meet
every single one of us. So all 250 or so missionaries got up and got
to meet him, shake his hand, and tell him where we were from. The
Spirit was so strong everyone. As I was in the front row, watching
these short personal interviews happen, I just couldn't stop thinking
about those verses in 3 Nephi 11 that I had read a few moments before.
I couldn't help but tear up.

So step #3.. Be open and ready for the Spirit of God to fill your
heart and.. Feast.

I can't even describe to you how Saturday went except for complete
peace. Being taught from Elder Anderson and Elder Stevenson was truly
a delight.
As I listened to his testimony of the Savior, my testimony of Jesus
Christ was strengthened so much.

Honestly, I can't really put into words my thoughts and if I try, I
will just sound crazy. But, I know that Jesus Christ lives and that
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is His kingdom on the
earth today. I know that with all my heart.


Anyways, before Saturday, we had MLC on Wednesday and then had the
opportunity to train in Lenexa, Kansas on Friday in zone training. I
LOVE MLC. so many of my prayers were answered during that training
meeting. I know that this is truly the Lord's work.

Friday night, we went to the Historic Liberty Jail with a recent
convert. I absolutely adore that place. Again, I can't describe it to
you in words. There were like a flood of memories that came to me of
when I was here 5 years ago and I was just barely beginning (it seemed
like the beginning) my testimony of this gospel.

Anyways, I love you all dearly. The work is good. God is good. And I
pray that you all are good as well. Until next week!

Sister Morgan

Pics: at the plaza to celebrate Sister Hixon's birthday, MLC crew @
President's house, Zone training with the awesome LENEXA zone!, pizza
party after the spiritual feast of all mission conference, and.... The
YSA introduced us to the new (or maybe old.. Idk) feature of face swap
on snapchat. (Snapchat is so weird these days! Ha)

Monday, March 7, 2016

ohhhh, we're halfwayyyy thereeee {living on prayers also}

Hello family!

This week has been amazing!! We had some amazing miracles! I also hit
my 9 month mark! Stay tuned for some pregnancy pictures!!

So some highlights for the week include:

- Sister Hixon and I stayed together for this transfer!! We are so
excited! It's a 7 week transfer this transfer too! Oh! And it's her
birthday today!!
- We had a lesson with Scott on Saturday outside on his porch. The
weather was beyond perfect! He is so amazing. He is plan known getting
baptized next month.
- Also! Noah, our recent convert in the YSA, brought one of his
friends from his fraternity to his lesson this week and he is soooo
amazing! We taught the first lesson and it was amazing. We took Noah
to the President's devotional last night at the VC to share his
conversion story and we are keep telling him he needs to convert his
whole frat and then the whole university. Haha. He's awesome! I love
getting to see the fire he has for missionary work. I love missionary
work. If any of you are doubting your testimony of the gospel or are
working on strengthening your relationship with your Heavenly Father,
go out with the missionaries or share your testimony with a friend. It
will help!
- Last PDAY, we went bowling with our zone!

Gonna keep it short this week, because we have to do some more
birthday celebrations, but I love you all so much. I love this gospel
as well. I know that it is true. Something that I have been thinking
about a lot lately is how to find happiness. Everyone in this world
seems to be trying to find happiness. The key to happiness is the
Spirit of God. The more we do right, keep the commandments, and strive
to become more like our Savior, we are filled with the Spirit... We
are happier. What a great thing! I love it. I am so grateful for the
gift of the Holy Ghost I received at baptism.

This coming week is so busy and so amazing!! We have 11 lessons
already set up! (Normally having like 3 lessons set up for the coming
week is a miracle!) and on top of that, we have an 8 hour Mission
Leadership Council Meeting, Zone Training two days later and then All
Mission Conference on Saturday, where we get to hear from Elder
Stevenson! Busy busy busy!!

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for!! Haha

Pregnancy pictures!! ((Just for clarification for those who are not
familiar with the mission tradition, when sisters hit their 9 month
mark/halfway mark, they take pregnancy pics... The weight you gain as
a missionary definitely makes them seem way more believable))
And it was fun to hit halfway with Sister Hixon so we got to celebrate together!

And just some other photos from the week! We love our area and our zone!

Love you all so much!! Have a fantastic week! Can't wait to hear from you all :)

Sister Morgan